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Where Two or More Are Gathered


I also tell you this: If two of you agree here on earth concerning anything you ask my Father in heaven will do it for you. For where two or three gather together as my followers, I am there among them. Matthew 18:19-20 If you were to ask for a million dollars and a yacht or the finest car on the lot do you really think God would give it to you? These are the type of things I wanted as a child. Now that I am older and more mature my desires have changed. I would rather have a closer relationship with God than all the material things in the world.

God will give us what we need according to the desires of our heart. What is so amazing about this is our desires change when we draw closer to God. We desire to please God and rely more on the spiritual blessings rather than the materialistic.

I believe we should pray like Jesus. When He was teaching the disciples to pray He taught them the Lord's Prayer. The key take away is "Your will be done." Jesus prayed for our daily bread, forgiveness, protection, and unity. He also prayed for us to know the truth about God among many other things. So, you see the more we learn about God the more we pray for His will to be done. After all, His plan is far better than our own because it will lead us to our purpose.

I want you to know something I witnessed when two or more were gathered together and Jesus was in the midst of us. Our Bible study group prayed for someone to be healed from cancer and God heard it as He always does. There is power when we gather together in prayer and these prayers were answered according to His will. I know there are many other prayers answered in this manner all over the world because the truth about our Father is revealed to us through scripture. You must believe it though and not have any doubt.

Not all prayers will be answered in the way we want. Trust God because He will answer them all according to HIs will. His will is the best way of all. Remember God works all things for the good to those who love Him and are called according to HIs purpose.

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