Ask the birds of the sky, and they will tell you. - Job 12:7b
When I hear the birds singing early in the morning it is music to my ears and brings joy to my heart. As I hear them rejoicing I am always reminded of this verse. This is the day the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. - Psalm 118:24
Last year I spent several weeks paying close attention the what sounded like laughter but I couldn't figure out which bird was making this noise. I really wanted to discover this on my own but I gave in and asked google. According to google: The American Robin makes a chirr that rises in volume and can sound like a laugh or chuckle. As I continued to listen I began laughing too. In that moment, I thought about how laughter is contagious, but I never thought it would begin with a Robin. There we were laughing together and I wondered, was God laughing along with us? I am certain that He was. Now when someone else is sitting on the porch with me and I hear the Robin laughing I tell them to listen. Do you hear that? That Robin is laughing at you.
The mourning doves are a few of the other birds I love listening to. They have a distinctive cooing sound and if you listen attentively it sounds like they are crying boohoo-boohoo. When I noticed them last summer and heard their cry I thought, are they telling me I am going to go through a time of grief? Nothing of the sort came about during that summer. According to : Beyond their sorrowful song is a message of life, hope, renewal, and peace.
( This is just a sample of what I will be writing in my book "Nature Revealed to Us.")