This is my commandment: Love each other in the same way I have loved you. John 15:12
Taking the time to look back on who I used to be is hard to do because I was so mad at God for allowing certain things to happen I didn't think He was a loving God. I became an unlovable person, an outcast, a sinner who had a heart of stone. For many years I hated God and wanted nothing to do with Him. I am crying as I write this because God loved me through it all.
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have ever lasting life. There is no greater love than to lay down one's life for one's friends. God sacrificed His Son and Jesus sacrificed His life. The deepest love known to the world involved the greatest sacrifices.
When we pray God is always listening and has never said wait a minute and then I will give my undivided attention. We should be prepared to purposefully sacrifice our time and listen attentively to others when they are in need. At times this will involve changing our schedules when we see the phone call as a distraction, but loving others is never a distraction. Sometimes we will be in the middle of something we love doing, but if we are to be God's hands and feet we must be willing to go and help others by showing them love right then not according to when it is convenient for us. We will need to make sacrifices!
This commandment also says we need to love others. It doesn't say to go and love this person or that person. While some people are drawn to certain people we shouldn't leave the others out. Everyone needs to know they are loved and they need to know the love of the Lord. I believe that saying God loves you to someone is a great starting point, but what if this person doesn't have a personal relationship with God, Do you think they will believe God really loves them?
Personally I believe we should also take the time to share with them the verses written above John 3:16 and John 15:13 the sacrifice God made and the sacrifice that Jesus willing went to the cross and died for us. This is proof that we are loved!
There is always room for us to grow in love and loving others the way we have been loved. Sometimes we need to allow God to use us in a way that is beyond our love. This type of love is produced by the Holy Spirit. Love that is understanding of others while showing compassion and gentleness regarding their feelings. Some people are very fragile so we need to handle with care. The world is full of people who are in desperate need of love and since God never gave up on us we should never give up on anyone He puts in our path.
Father God,
I thank you from the bottom of my heart for all of the love you have shown me and for the people you brought into my life who showed so much love to me as I was finding my way back to you. I pray that you will help me to love others the way that you have loved me. Help me to love deeply so that others will see that it is your love overflowing. In Jesus name I pray, Amen