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Love Your Neighbor


Updated: May 6, 2021

The most important commandment is this: You must love the Love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your mind, and all your strength. The second is equally important: Love your neighbor as yourself. No other commandment is greater then these. Mark 12:30-31

I have written about this before, but God has laid it on my heart to write about this subject again. I love God and do my best to prove this by being faithful. I fail Him just like everyone else and do not consider myself to be better than anyone. We are all on different walks of faith.

I believe when we put God first He delights in the closeness of our relationship. Just as we delight in Him. I pray for our community to come together and I have seen God on the move. One family who loves to cook out will invite people to come over and make a plate. There is gentleman that passes out boxes of food when he has extra. Sometimes we might make a meal and share with a few of our neighbors. Just last week I saw a neighbor go over and mow their neighbors yard. This is something we have done as well.

I usually don't include anyone's name, but when I say we I am referring to Marlene my roommate and myself. We make a pretty good team and we are going to start feeding the community once a month. We are so excited and I thank God for this opportunity to be a small part of showing others that we love them.

As Marlene will now be answering her calling (cooking for others) it has been brought to our attention it starts right here right now. I am going to have one of the biggest birthday parties I have ever had. We will have our first get together May 28th.

I hope this causes a ripple effect and other communities come together as well.

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May 05, 2021

I love this! I love the commandment love your neighbor.... 💓 So powerful 💓 It takes alot of love. Have you ever watched Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood! It’s an amazing story 💓

May 07, 2021
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