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Letting Go of Our Idols

You shall have no other gods before me. Exodus 20:3

Our idols become our gods and we often put them before God. Our God is a jealous God and wants us put Him first. I just read that there are seventy-two verses about not worshipping idols. Idols are the the things we put before God. They are our addictions, ranging from social media to our eating habits and other things such as drugs and alcohol. This includes everything in between.

This morning I got a wake up call regarding this. Are you ready to lay them down? I need to be honest because this is where many of us are. I cried this morning as I was being honest with God. I told Him I was not ready. I told Him I needed Him to make me ready. I apologized for being this way. I want to serve Him wholeheartedly and I am not if I don't give Him all of me. God wants all of us, not just the small parts we are willing to give Him.

I read about fortitude which is the strength of mind that enables a person to encounter adversity with courage. These idols are difficult to face head on, but we can do it in believing we have the courage to do so. It takes courage to step out from the things we have been comfortable in doing. When you are ready, take those idols and smash them to pieces and I will do the same.

I read about having an intimate relationship and I know we can be completely honest with God. He already sees everything we are going through. He wants us to be real with Him! If that means being vulnerable in telling you my faults then I will because we all fail Him. Yes, it is embarrassing to admit this, but that is why I know that I am not the only one who feels like this. I need to be open and honest with you too and hope this will make you feel like you are not the only one experiencing this. We are not perfect and never will be here on earth. What we can do in try to do better! That is what God wants is our very best.

This is something very important I want you to remember. Valor is something else I read about which is a force of might and power causing us to become bold. It is the strength of mind or spirit. The Spirit of the Lord clothes us in power. God calls us to stand on HIs Word. It is alive and active working in and through us. I hope this makes you feel empowered today!

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