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Fixing Our Eyes On Jesus

So we don't look at the troubles we can see now; rather we fix our gaze on things that cannot be seen. For the things we see now will soon be gone, but the things we cannot see will last forever.- 2 Corinthians 4:18

I haven't written on here in awhile because honestly I have been feeling overwhelmed. I am not just talking about all the things I would like to accomplish, but emotionally overwhelmed at times. Before I begin to tell you what is going on personally I want you to keep in mind everything is easier when we keep our eyes focused on Jesus.

On March 14th I received a text from my best friend's daughter to please call when I got a chance. She informed that Linda has stage four liver cancer. I have known her for almost thirty years so we have a very special bond. When I found out I was devastated to say the least. Since then the cancer has spread to her kidneys, lungs, and brain. On March 31st Kim told me Linda only has two weeks to live. I went to see her the next day. We had a great conversation that morning and Linda told me she knows whatever happens it is God's plan. On April 6th Linda went home to be with the Lord.

It is inevitable that we will all experience the death of a loved one. It is hard to deal with and effects us emotionally. Grief can cause emotional distress, sadness, depression, loneliness, irritability, anger, and guilt. Grief effects us mentally making it hard to consecrate on any one thought. Grief also effects our sleeping and eating habits. We either don't get enough sleep or sleep too much. Some people lose their appetite while others stress eat. Grief effects everyone differently.

Honestly I thought this would be the worst time of my life. It is difficult to put into words when you heart feels like it is broken into a million pieces, yet I have a peace that only comes from God. I believe the best words to describe this would be "It is well with my soul."

This morning I was reading in the book of Luke. One of the verses that really stood out was definitely what I needed. I tell you the truth, some standing here right now will not die before they see the Kingdom of God.- Luke 9:27 On the last day Jesus will return in His power and glory to receive God's elected people. Thank you Jesus. There will be some who will not die.

I know this but after reading it my whole morning turned around for the better. I am fixing my eyes on Jesus. This is how to focus on the things above. I prayed asking God to help me stay focused on the things above. Take the time to think about the Kingdom of God-Heaven. Once we are saved we have eternal life. Believe in the truth. Open your eyes and imagine seeing your loved ones, happy, healthy, at peace, and love is all around them. Thank God for the time you had with your loved ones. Be sure to thank Him for receiving them into heaven with open arms where they will live happily ever after.

When keeping you eyes on Jesus even during the hardest of times something beautiful happens. When we receive the peace of God it really does surpass all understanding. Today I am experiencing God's peace and comfort like never before. His peace is all around me. God is close to the broken-hearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit working all things together for our good. He is always on the move.

After experiencing God's peace He reminded me of another verse after verse and gave me a new perspective I need to share with you. O death, where is your sting? (1 Corinthians 15:55) Thanks be to God who gives us victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. (vs.570

God revealed His promise that we do not die! For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.-John 3:16

God's timing is perfect and that is what makes this so beautiful. Linda departed on Maundy Thursday which is Passover. I imagine she ate the Passover meal with Jesus. I believe God knew how hard this would be and it is so beautiful that it happened when it did. Tomorrow will be Easter a celebration of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. On Monday we will be celebrating the life of Linda. Seeing death in a whole new light which I have know about for years experiencing it in a new light is breathtaking. She didn't die, but has eternal life. I say this with a broken heart "It is well with my soul" only because I am fixing my eyes on Jesus.

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Apr 09, 2023

I love you, friend!

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