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Established Plans


Commit your work to the Lord, and your plans will be established. - Proverbs 16:3

We can make our plans but the Lord determines our steps. - Proverbs 16:9

Sometimes we go out on our own and try to plan our life around what we want it to look like. Let me start by saying I am so talking about me today! I have been going about this all wrong. When I first started writing I found that devotions were fairly easy to write and knew it was my calling but I got in the way of God's plan. This is not easy to admit but I wanted my work to be recognized by man and I wanted everyone's approval who read them.

Anyway, then God told me to write a book. At this point I felt like I was playing a game of cat and mouse with God. It seemed like when I felt comfortable writing devotions He changed the course and chased me down another path. I started writing the book and well to be honest I became prideful and prayed so hard for a best seller. Yes, I even thought about all the money I would make. Wrong reason to write a book God told me to write!

Here I am feeling like I am being chased down yet another path leading me to blog. I am only able to reach a few people and that really bothers me. Mainly because when I want something to happen I want it to happen right now. Quick success and very little work sounds wonderful, but that is not the way things work. Now that I have been so brutally honest and you see how I got to where I am let me tell what I have learned.

First and foremost I want you to know that God will not only give us a second chance, but chance after chance. I understand that God had to bring me to a place of being humble rather than prideful. He had to show me that my writing comes from Him and will be displayed in His timing to who needs it and when they need it. I am learning to be content with all of this and even though it is not easy I understand I had to be taken down a notch or two for my own good.

Nothing worked out according to my plan, but I have learned through this process that it is God who directs my steps. Believe me when I say it is one thing to know this, but it is another when God takes us by the hand and shows us that He directs our steps. Actually, now I see that this all happened for a reason and lessons learned. I have a better understanding as to why this happened and I am thankful for it. Now I can commit to my work in a whole new way.

No more excuses!!! I am ready to start planning and scheduling my time to commit to my work, and start working more consistently. I say this because if I commit to my work then I will be able to commit my work to the Lord. All the while knowing it is God who establishes our plans.

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Mar 20, 2021

Correction and the burning of chaff!! It’s a hard spot to be in. Also submitting ourselves to the Lord is very hard when He is trying to remove something from us to replace it with something great, HUMILITY! I have no idea why we desire what will eventually kill us! But like you said thank you JESUS for your grace and mercy and giving us chance after chance!! 🙏🏽💞

Mar 20, 2021
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Today let's thank God for never giving up on us and by giving us another chance. Also let's thank Him for being with us while burning the chaff away and never leaving our side when it is painful. Then thank Him for seeing us through to see the established plans.


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