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7 Clues Your Faith Has Grown Cold - Beliefnet

At different moments in life our faith grows cold. Here are some clues it's time' to fan the flame.

  1. Dead Prayer Life When our prayer life is frozen it blocks the flow of faith and favor for transforming our lives. Start small and simple. Work prayer back into your day whether it's right before you go to bed or on the way to work. God hears.

  2. Lack of Thanksgiving An unthankful heart is a sign that we have forgotten the goodness of God in our lives. The Bible gives a solution as it reads, "Praise the Lord, my soul and forget not all his benefits" - Psalm 103:2. Give the Lord a sacrifice of praise. Celebrate Him with your words!

  3. Negative Outlook If the glass is always half empty, it's time to let the Lord correct your perspective on life. Faith gives us a hopeful, optimism that can outlive any circumstance. Start taking negative thoughts captive and changing them before they turn into words.

  4. Avoiding Bible Time If you have lost interest in reading your Bible, it's a sign of spiritual fatigue. Spiritual fatigue leaves you feeling droopy, irritated and joyless because the flesh is advancing. Replenish your energy by finding spiritual strength and joy in the Word.

  5. Chronic Fatigue A constant tired demeanor reflects negligence of the Sabbath rest. God designed our bodies to need a regular rhythm of rest in order to function properly. Maintaining a balanced and healthy lifestyle, will improve and stabilize your inner life as well.

  6. Disinterest In Fellowship Distancing from other Christians over time dampens our faith. We are to be like iron sharpening iron; so when we don't prioritize fellowship our faith gets dull.

  7. Loss of Expectancy Healthy faith is hopeful and expects God to intervene in life's daily intricacies. If you've lost the excitement of seeing God move in your life it's time to once again seek diligently after His presence. God promises that when we draw near to Him, He will draw even closer.

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Aug 17, 2021

This is so perfect! Thank you 🙏🏽

Aug 17, 2021
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This is something I wanted to share while you were gone but never got the chance.

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