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Setting Goals

Commit your actions to the Lord, and your plans will succeed. Proverbs 16:3

Commit means: to give in trust, to put into hands or power of another, to entrust with. When we give our goals to the Lord our plans will succeed. As we present our plans to the Lord this is simply putting our trust in Him and His power. He will cause our plans to succeed by working through us and our actions will be the result a successful plan.

I think many of us set our goals in life at such a high standard we rarely reach them. We want to reach our long term goals quickly and generally run ahead of God doing everything we can in our own strength. We always want everything right now don't we? This is why we get discouraged, feel overwhelmed, and eventually give up. We end up telling ourselves it is an impossible goal to reach. I am sorry to say this but you would be right.

We must always tell our Father what our goals are beforehand. Once we make Him aware of what we want to accomplish He will begin to take action on our behalf. Yes, He already knows but He wants us to stay in constant communication with Him because He needs to know we are ready to commit to Him.

When setting goals we should always set small goals; ones that can easily be achieved. Setting several small goals will lead us to the long term goal one step at a time. Once we reach a small goal we will feel a sense of accomplishment feeling satisfied and gain the confidence to set another goal.

As we present our plans (goal setting) to the Lord we are letting Him know we are putting our trust into His hands and relying on His power. He is the One who makes everything possible as He works through us. This is how our plans become successful!

Are you ready to commit to your small goals? Will you be persistent rather then trying to perfect it? Do you believe you can achieve your goal? If not you will fail. Believe in God and yourself. You will need to make sacrifices and it will take a lot of hard work, but you can do all things through Christ who gives strengthens you.

Now is the time to get started. I will go first. My small goal is to write something on my blog everyday and I apologize for the times I didn't sacrifice sleep or putting other activities aside in order to reach out to you. Lately I have been helping others and there is nothing wrong with that. I just need to get my priorities in order. I want to be in line with God's will and put my work for Him before other things that can be put off until afterwards.

Let's focus on one small goal at a time until it comes to completion. Celebrate. Then add another small goal and so on. God will see to it that our goals are met by causing our plans to succeed. One day we be able to look back and see our long term goal as one of our blessings that we conquered as we allowed Christ to work in and through us. You got this!

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Jun 11, 2021

Thank you for being a faithful follower of my blog. I am so thankful when my word of the day reaches someone in the way they need it. Let's do this thang!


Jun 11, 2021

O perfect for me today! As I commit to my small daily goals in my business. Because like I told you the Lord has some bigger area’s in my life. Such as bringing love to Domestic Violence victims. Thank you thank you thank you!!

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