Come close to God, and God will come close to you. James 4:8a
Yesterday after reading a devotional "The Call" by Amy Groeschel I felt a deeper understanding about my calling, and so much more. She included the Greek word for calling which is kle'sis (klay'-sis). It means a (divine) calling, or and invitation. Right then I was hooked. I love learning something new. Personally when I look up the Greek/Hebrew meaning of a word it gives me a deeper understanding.
From now on I will look at the word calling and see it as an invitation. Okay, so as I write this with tears in my eyes I want you to really take the time to soak this in. God who is divine and holy is personally inviting us to answer our calling. I don't know about you, but this made all the difference for me. Think about how good it feels to be personally invited somewhere by a friend. Now to be personally invited by God.
Lately I get fired up when I come close to God. Even more so when I feel Him close to me. While reading the Bible over the past couple of days every time I read the word "come" all I think about is God is giving us a personal invitation when He says come.
God's written word is meant to be personal. I am in awe and amazed when I read the word and something new stands out as if God is shining a light on it right before my very eyes. The way one word can change the importance of how we develop a new deeper understanding of what God reveals to us is beyond what words can express. It is something that must be felt with the heart.
God is calling us with a personal invitation to serve in a special way. He invites us to follow in the footsteps of Christ. Jesus was obedient to His calling even to the point of death. Jesus never quit! So, today I ask myself what am I doing with the rest of my time? God I just want to finish well.
God's invitations are throughout the Bible. I hope you will accept His personal invitations with excitement in your heart.
I also recommend that you read "The Call" even if you already know what your calling is. It is a seven day devotional I am sure you will enjoy.
That was great!!!